Hampton Master Gardener Demo Garden and Arboretum at Bluebird Gap Farm
The VCE Master Gardener Demo Bed and Arboretum is located at Bluebird Gap Farm in Hampton, VA. Our vegetable and flower beds are maintained by Hampton Master Gardeners and are there to provide inspiration and education to the public as well as beauty and function.
Master Gardeners are working in the Arboretum year round. We are there to answer your gardening questions. Feel free to approach us.
We are located at:
60 Pine Chapel Road
Hampton, VA 23669


Master Gardeners at the Arboretum!
Working to teach the public - especially Children!
Boy and Girl Scouts

Wonderful Wednesdays
with the Hampton Master Gardeners
Wonderful Wednesdays will occur on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from April -October (weather permitting). This activity can be found in the Arboretum's Outdoor Classroom from 10 AM to noon.
This is a Family Friendly, "Come and Go", and "Make and Take" activity.
Come and enjoy a Nature Craft and Lesson with your child!
Watch our Calendar of Events for upcoming dates and be sure to follow us on Facebook for updates.

The Kindness Rocks Project
Hoping to inspire kindess and compassion, a few Master Gardeners maintain a display of Kindness Rocks in the Arboretum at Bluebird Gap Farm. Feel free to grab the one that speaks to you or to contribute some of your masterpieces to help brighten up someone's day!
Trex Plastic Collection
What can you do with 1000 pounds of plastic?
Since 2018, we have participated in the Trex Challenge which requires us to collect 1000 pounds of plastics in a 12 month period. In exchange, we receive a composite wood bench. To date the Hampton Master Gardeners have diverted 2.5 tons of plastics from our local landfill and waterways through our collections. As you visit Bluebird Gap Farm, you'll notice these benches throughout the arboretum as well as clustered by the duck pond and various other locations. Your contributions help provide much needed seating to park visitors.

Find more information on approved and not approved items below

Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Edwin J. Jones, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; Jewel E. Hairston, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State, Petersburg. If you are a person with a disability and desire assistance or accommodation, please notify Gaylynn Johnson at (757-727-1401/TDD*) during business hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
*TDD number is (800) 828-1120.